More than just a handshake

"Patients Before Profits" is the foundation for certification. HCIR's that accept the Pledge understand their actions have the potential to affect patients.

This shows commitment and alignment with the surgical team. The HCIR Certification sets the standard for HCIR access to Healthcare Organizations.

2024 HCIR - Certification

Hospital Vendor Credentialing requires Certification to be able to access a Healthcare facility

The 2024 HCIR Certification follows the ANSI/NEMA SC 1-2020

American National Standard for

Supplier Credentialing in Healthcare.

 Topics Covered

·      Aseptic technique

·      Bloodborne pathogens

·      Electrical safety/awareness

·      Ethics and code of conduct policies

·       Fire safety/awareness.

·      Handwashing technique

·      Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

·      Operating room protocol (sterile/aseptic technique)

·      Product complaints and medical device reporting

·      Product service competency (from medical device company)

·      Radiation dosimetry monitoring / Radiation safety training

Proud to be 2024 HCIR Certified

Accepting the Patients Before Profits Pledge and being Certified shows the surgical team that I am dedicated to my profession. Ready to help assist in patient care.

Trust in the Team

The surgical team has the trust of the patient. Certification show that an HCIR is dedicated and you are ready to help achieve the same goals of patient care.

HCIR - Healthcare Certified Industry Representative

HCIR's are non-hospital employees that provide service to Healthcare facilities. Providing lifesaving products and technology.

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Earn Your HCIR Certification

Certification tells the surgical team that you are a professional and you hold yourself to a higher standard.